Academia-industry research partnerships

Industry, ADIA Lab, 2024

Under ADIA Lab, the scientific research institution of ADIA, I have supervised a number of short-term research projects in data science for various university programmes and departments, usually MSc-level capstones. Below is a running list:

  • LSE (2024-Present): Mean field congestion in dry bulk shipping. PhD Economics.
  • LSE (2023-Present): Mean field games in global shipping flows. MSc Data Science.
  • UCL (2024-Present): Detecting structural breaks in spatial agricultural grids. MSc Computer Science.
  • UCL/Oxford (2023-24): Nowcasting global trade with time series signatures & shipping data. MSc MCF.
  • U. of Toronto (2024): Statistics of UN Comtrade. MFRM (Master of Financial Risk Management).
  • U. of Toronto (2023): Nowcasting inflation with the Baltic Indices. MFRM.
  • Institut Polytechnique de Paris / Ecole Polytechnique (2023-24): The global shipping graph. M2DS.
  • Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (2023): The economic world through the lens of shipping. M2.
  • Khalifa University (2022): Analysis of corporate supply chains. MSc Computational Data Science.
  • Khalifa University (2022): Studies in institutional ownership & geographical revenue. MSc Comp. DS.